Monday, 14 May 2012

Free day Monday 14th May 2012 Commission Project

Monday 14th May 2012 Commission Project.

Today started with an early trip to Maidstone as I'd promised a friend and fellow UCA student (Jenna) a lift into uni so that she could print in the colour darkroom.  Arriving at uni just before the scheduled (10:00) start to the meeting I helped Ashleigh carry the excellent scale model she has produced of our venue into uni. Rebecca had already informed the group she would be unavailable for the next two days on medical grounds. Dana's team were still working on the fashion image but made herself available as much as she was able at the start of the meeting. All of the other group members were able to spent the rest of the day working through our tasks, with three of us scouting the alternate locations for extra back up research. During the day we compiled a list of alternate themes as the initial theme we'd proposed at the beginning of the project had been considered somewhat obtuse by Steffi. As the ideas flowed we also reviewed; the scale model and started to consider the exhibition space, the order in which the work would be viewed, the images to be displayed, restrictions within the venue, lighting, size of images and placement. Also to be considered are colour of display frames/flats/text, construction and restrictions of grade II location. Exact text and typography, design of supporting publications. We need to consider our audience, advertising, budget, site access (there is no disabled access for example at this location), health and safety. We might also want to consider graphics and colour to match theme of exhibition, and we have discussed providing a map of the exhibition to act as a guide through the rooms for visitors.

Team roles as they stand are:
Sacha, Curator and Designer (posters etc)
Ashleigh Architect and Model Maker
Dana, Designer.
Rebecca, Writer/Typography
Joe, Writer.
Bradley, Second Curator
Martin, Research, health and safety (locations)

Ashleigh's lovely scale model of Fort Amhurst.

Upper level 

Lower level living quarters

RH side of archway on lower level showing door and window in the 'separate room'

To the left is the entrance to the lower unlit room, to the right the archway  photographed in the previous image

External exhibition space (access to toilets via LH arch, separate room via RH arch.

Access to separate room, photographed from in front on the toilets

Again the single door entrance to the separate room

Double/split door access to the unlit room on LH side, RH door is blocked by boiler inside room

Fort Amhurst Carpark
After leaving the fort I drove to Chatham and myself Sacha and Bradley made a visit to the Nucleus Arts Cantre off of the High-street. We photographed and measured the exhibition space as you can see below.

Nucleus Art Centre (LH  door, cafe is strait ahead)
Nucleus Art Centre

LH wall

Back wall and recess

RH wall

RH and back wall

Lighting and floor space
It was only natural to photograph some of the other available 'street' exhibitions spaces whilst in Chatham so that is what we did. Work of course can be exhibited in all kinds of locations not just special exhibition boards. Shop fronts posters, advertising boards mobile displays etc.

Chatham High street exhibition

Chatham High street exhibition

Chatham High street 

Chatham High street 

UCA gallery in Pentagon which is near further  display boards.

Near UCA Gallery

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