Friday, 10 February 2012

Day 54 Friday 10th February 2012 Fashion Constructed Image

11:30  Friday 10th February 2012 'In the mind of the designer / Concept Development - Donna Ives
12:15 Collaboration - Fashion Design and Photography, Carla

Followed by third year project presentations x4

This session was an opportunity to see the work of UCA fashion students. Starting with Donna Ives presentation before moving onto a student (Carla) who had worked closely with a fellow UCA student photographer to jointly create a third year project.

I'm not sure today really worked well since I assume the intention was to build bridges between the disciplines. I think the format failed to meet my expectations if I'm honest. Rather than going for drinks afterwards a number of our team went down to the fashion dept to see if anyone had any experience working on a 1960's based body of work. The enquiries seemed to draw a blank, and since I would imagine we are more likely to borrow/rent or procure period clothing and I suspect our budget wouldn't stretch to having bespoke tailored garments produced. Although to be fair it's an issue we have yet to discuss as a team. I'll add the 'fashion/clothing/costume' issue to the agenda for our next production meeting. Todays session has highlighted the specific issue of the garments, bringing it to the forefront of our minds. But projects need to progress in a structured way to allow success and until we have finalised our ideas, completed a pitch and had full approval it's hard to progress the details of garments for example. I think todays session might have been more helpful after our concept approval if I'm honest.

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