Friday, 3 February 2012

Day 52 Friday 3rd february 2012 Fashion Constructed Image

Friday 3rd February 2012 Fashion Constructed Image

Meeting up as a team to go over the presentation we had prepared on Wednesday. Meeting up an hour before the presentation everyone had a chance to confirm they knew which slides they owned and had the chance to discuss what they wanted to say. With everyone happy with what we'd previously decided we presented first in front of JS SC and groups 2,3,4. Everyone did really well and it was nice to have selected a subject no one (of groups 2,3,4) had selected.

It was really interesting to see the other groups work and there was a really varied approach to the selections of references and visual outcomes.

Our group (I prefer to call it "Team") met up after the session ended to discuss project progress and the outcomes of the session. Consensus of opinion was that we wanted to pursue the 60's thriller concept and we'd all research some more set ideas over the weekend to discuss at a team meeting we'd scheduled for Monday.

It would seem sensible to decide/assign roles once we'd agreed a more defined set/narrative and image, thus giving everyone a fuller idea of the breadth and depth of the individual tasks. Mondays meeting will hopefully lead to a defined narrative, a set/concept to match. Roles would be assigned and a plan to move forward created. We plan to run the meetings using an agenda and minute the meetings.

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