Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Day 77 Tuesday 20th March 2012 Fashion Constructed Image The Pitch

Tuesday 20th March 2012 Fashion Constructed Image 'The Pitch'

Getting in early today after we'd spent about five hours together yesterday working on various aspects of the project including the actual pitch itself we all met up at the allotted time. Suzy very kindly offered to attend to observe and support us by representing the fashion collaborators.

We ran through the pitch for SC and JS.
This was followed by a really good critique where we then discussed any areas of weakness or concern in relation to the work we had done. For me this was really useful and vital feedback, highlighting several areas we still need to consider/improve or explore. It's naive to think we'd be 100% on target and like most projects focusing equally on all the tasks is always difficult. I suspect we are on target in some areas but letting ourselves down in others. So now the focus shifts to those problem areas and like all projects you put resource on the hot spots!  Most of the discussion covered areas we knew needed honing or attention, and I think clarity is the key. I know we are working hard but we need to be working smart, and as the pressure builds the role of coordinator gets really interesting. We've a challenging project and I still want to not only keep us on track but create that wow factor I think we all want.

Areas that were highlighted as being in need of more attention are: Referencing; clarity around the narrative and specifics on the location;  male casting/costume; female costume; specifics of pose and gesture (which come out of the narrative); hair make-up; fashion research in general; further work on the lighting plan (taking into account the camera and depth of field issues our image presents)

Also several alternate twists and ideas were discussed along with numerous technical and logistical aspects of the project.

As an outcome of the session we all spent some time thumbing through the selection of Vogues in the library. We've set a few initial tasks, one of which is to find an available time slot for a second fashion specific meeting. More testing of hair options needs to follow on from the meeting and more research on fashion is planned.

I have set myself an action to write out a selection of alternate narratives all based on the premise and concept we have, each offering a slightly different solution. As a team the narrative will be fully defined and therefore made fully robust.

Narrative ideas

So far we have agreed to have two people within the image creating or contributing to the narrative by their interaction.

We want drama within the frame, tension and a strong connection and a deep layered interaction between the two characters. Within the image we will possibly create a sense of movement/tension or ‘moment’ and a voyeuristic viewpoint. The camera  is angled and looking through a window into a hotel room at night.

Options include:

Female enters room gun drawn via doorway to find male HAS been rifling through secret documents. He is passive and NOT reacting to her, he has equal presence/dominance.
Model positions; female emerging from door position, male photographing documents/rifling documents whilst STANDING

Female enters room gun drawn via doorway to find male HAS been rifling through secret documents. He is passive and NOT reacting to her, he has equal presence/dominance via body language. But he is not fully in the frame and therefore a vehicle to simply emphasise her
Model positions; female emerging from door position, male photographing documents/rifling documents whilst STANDING partially obscured or out of frame or focus.

Female enters room gun drawn (held waist height, pointed at male) via doorway to find male rifling through secret documents. He is non aggressive and reacting passively to her having caught him, he is surprised and startled
Model positions; female emerging from door position, male photographing documents/rifling documents SEATED

Female enters room gun drawn (held waist height, pointed at male) via doorway to find male rifling through secret documents. He is aggressive and reacting to her having caught him, he is surprised and startled but NOT PASSIVE, reaching for gun on table
Model positions; female emerging from door position, male has been photographing documents/rifling documents SEATED

Female stands in room gun drawn (BUT HELD BY HER SIDE) room shows signs that room HAD BEEN rifled through and secret documents are on the table. He is unresponsive and slumped over desk
Model positions; female emerging from door position, male photographing documents/rifling documents SEATED/SLUMPED FORWARD

Female stands in room gun drawn (BUT HELD BY HER SIDE) room shows signs that room HAD BEEN rifled through and secret documents are on the table. He is cuffed, mouth taped, made up to look beaten
Model positions; female emerging from door position, male SEATED/LAYING ON BED

Female enters room gun drawn (BUT HELD BY HER SIDE) via doorway to find male with secret documents on table. He is passive and NOT reacting to her, he HAS HIS BACK FACING THE CAMERA GUN IN HAND
Model positions; female emerging from door position, male photographing documents/rifling documents SEATED

Female starts to LEAVE room gun drawn (BUT HELD BY HER SIDE, SPY CAMERA IN HER OTHER HAND) via doorway. He is passive and NOT reacting to her, he HAS HIS BACK FACING THE CAMERA (SLUMPED?) secret documents on the table
Model positions; female closer to door position than male, male SEATED (SLUMPED?)

Female enters room gun drawn (BUT HELD BY HER SIDE) via doorway to find male rifling through secret documents. He is passive and reacting to her having caught him, he is surprised
Model positions; female emerging from door position, male photographing documents/rifling documents SEATED

Alternate variations include:
Female taking gun from bag
Female pointing gun purposefully (as if she were a spy/assassin/counter spy
Female pointing gun upwards in dominatrix pose
Gun dropped to floor
Tactical style of entry to room (Heels and guns)
Screwing silencer onto gun (phallic sexual undertones to position of hand and gun)
Female carries Gun and CUFFS (sexual undertones to position of hand and gun)
Applies lipstick with one hand, holds gun in other hand
Holds shoes with one hand, holds gun in other hand

Male Costume/idea
Cleaner (overalls mop and bucket)
Maintenance man
Police uniform
Tweed suit (Hotel manager/academic)
Pipe smoker
USA (other nation) flag pin on collar
Eye patch/scar
Face totally obscured
Resigned to his fate

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