Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Day 73 Wednesday 14th March 2012 Fashion Constructed Image Production meeting/H&S induction

Today for the first time I wore my two hats in earnest, 'Team Co-Ordinator' and 'H&S representative'.

Speaking as a team at the end of the mornings 'talks' we were struggling to find a date when everyone was available to attend a production team meeting. Sacha kindly spoke with Steffi and agreed to decline a commission project tutorial to allow us to all meet today which I thought was really important.
I felt we needed more focus on the tasks of greatest importance, those relating to the pitch on the 20th. It was also agreed that we would attempt to get some of the materials required today as well in preference to adhering to the prescribed agenda. We did create a number of actions and those included:

Action: A.O. to create casting physical folder to be used during the pitch

Action: LN & AO to jointly create a floor plan (based on the model and rough sketches we have already completed)

Action: S.S. to add scenic decor to the 3d model she produced (along with any power cable routes etc)

Action: Team to go buy some materials, we this has been discussed and agreed in relation to style/colour etc

Action: MW to create a folder on the 'dropbox' "Pitch" attend H&S meeting and produce Risk Assessment (by deadline)

Action: IW to complete lighting plan

On the fashion front Tom and Suzy should be producing some visual references for us regarding the outfits. I've suggested that we see if they are available for the pitch as well (even if it is on the sidelines whilst we deliver the pitch itself). We need to button this area down and the assistance and collaboration of Tom and Suzy will be of significant assistance to the whole group.

Due to the 15:00 H&S induction I was unable to join the group of the trip to several D.I.Y. stores but we kept in touch and the team have made some initial purchases. These samples will assist in the pitch and help to demonstrate physical aspects of the proposed set. I was able to get to a D.I.Y store myself after the H&S session and looked at various items, including wood effects (on laminate floors).

As H&S lead I now have the form that needs completing and a good idea of how to complete it. So that will be done asap. It has been renamed to be specific to us and placed in the 'dropbox' H&S leads folder

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