Friday 27th April 2012 Fashion Constructed Image set-build day 5 (striking set).
Myself (Health & Safety) Lucie (Build Lead) and Ian (Lighting) arrived to strike set this morning at 09:30 whilst Sacha and Amie attempted to return one of our props (the table), also Sacha and Amie volunteered to investigate methods of cleaning the dress that had unfortunately picked up some marks during the shoot.
Striking the set was a very strait forward process of carefully and methodically reversing the build process. We took care to use the correct tools, worked as a team and used steps and gloves where required. Various pieces of wood were removed and returned to the UCA wood pile in the corridor as we'd loaned a few extra pieces for braces on the rear of the flats for example. In an attempt to recycle as much as possible most of our 'scrap' will be re-used and has not been binned. The three team members between us managed to strip down a large amount of the set including: skirting (including removal of all panel pins for safe handling), wood panelling (including removal of all panel pins for safe handling), flats (including removal of braces and supporting frames), door, architrave, deconstruction of window, deconstruction of black out area around window, removal of 'C-stands', and of course returning everything to stores that we had borrowed with nothing missing and no complications. At this point the rest of the team returned and took over phase two as we stopped for a lunch break and the rest of the set including the big goal post lighting rig, carpets and removal of final props all occurred. I spent a good deal of this latter half of the project loading wood, tools, props and the window into my car and I also assisted team two (I was parked near the skip) who needed extra hands in loading ballast into the skip etc.
All images below care of Jenna Williams UCA
Removing parts of the window |
Removing brick effect surround |
Removing more of the wood panelling, note the black-out polyboards and curtains have also been removed from around the window/camera area |
Door removed and back wall flats being taken down |
Rear wall flats deconstructed, now starting on the RH flats |
All the flats including the corridor flat taken down and in or about to be back in storage. |
Team 1 |
Removing the carpet and sorting extension leads |
Nearly complete here, by the end of the day only those items required by other teams were left in the studio. Numerous trips to my car were required, and whilst some of the team attended the PS workshop others loaded and removed props. |
Sacha had pre-arranged the collection of several props including the carpets via a van driven by Jack (her boyfriend) but JS informed us that we had "A short Photoshop session to attend at 14:30". This short session turned out to be a rather badly timetabled session which lasted over two hours. Sacha had to leave to load props during the session. I was covered in ballast, and a lot of information was passed over to us. Having written IT training material, and having an NVQ in training IT solutions in business I'd have to say this session was badly timed and a tad too intense considering it was the Friday afternoon on the set build week (and we all have different levels of knowledge of Photoshop), and it wasn't timetabled and I certainly wasn't prepared, or in the best frame of mind to take in all the info! I also don't lean very well when information is simply presented to me (unless it comes with excellent supporting user guides or hand outs). If I don't get the full 'tell, show, do' training package I tend to get frustrated with the training material/delivery and feel it has less value or isn't properly planned.
At the end of the day I tidied away the final material in the studio, leaving only the items from our set that team 11 plan to use (in week 3). I awaited the arrival of the next team to take over the studio from us and moved the sideboard to a location that is out of their way based on how they plan to shoot. I also wanted to check they were happy with the trees/branches they had sourced via Sacha and myself.
This weekend I will be looking after my son, so I'll update the blog and include images as they become available.
As a team we now need to make our final edits and complete the tasks relating to post production
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