Wednesday 14th December 2011 (Body+Object)
Oddly quite like long days, having previously worked a 12hr day roster system I'm pretty used to them, and get frustrated and shorter days (when I have a high workload). Short days leave me feeling like I never had time to get tasks completed! Today was one of those full days I like.
In at 09:15 to assist Ian Turner with his shoot not knowing what he had planned other than shooting a single sitter. After a chat in the queue for stores Ian informed me we were replicating the set up I'd used already so the set up was pretty familiar. We did adjust the lighting set based on some advice from Colin, and after the first contact sheet and some further advice from Jonathan to alter the set to suit the sitter more. Apart from the usual glitches we managed to set everything up, and complete the shoot to Ian's satisfaction early enough for us both the move up to the dark room (which was an unexpected bonus).
Initially I wanted to print black and white but I decided to print my (re-shot colour) object images due to space in the colour dark room, and none in the B&W at the time!
I shot the object images on two different coloured tables, so starting with the darker table top background I completed a print. Knowing that I favoured the lighter (green topped table) I then progressed to that image which I completed and prefer.
Whilst waiting for colour wedge and test strips I popped in and out of the B&W dark room and produced some contact sheets that I required.
After producing the two 'final' object options (Brown and Green topped table variants) I set out the B&W contacts for the body (Salvation Army) shoot and selected some images worthy or printing. I'd not expected to be able to do this until January so it was hard to narrow the images down to one final. Selecting several possibilities from just two of the contact sheets I set about producing the first. With advice from Rikka I feel the image I printed was pretty good, but a small mark on the neg (or piece on fluff on the sitter?) annoying me I'll print off a number for further images until I am 100% happy (or have a good selection to pick from).
Having had to produce contacts, switching from large to medium format printing (swapping enlarger lenses). Switching from Colour to B&W (adjusting easel for different paper size) and assisting a few people (and returning two library books and taking out two I had on hold for my perception Essay) it was 19:15 before I called it a day. I'll return tomorrow to see what else I can get done.
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