Thursday, 10 November 2011

Day 33 Thursday 10th November 2011 Perception

Thursday 10th November 2011 Perception

16:15 Perception Unit Written Assignment support.

I turned up early for this to return a library book and to book a studio for the object re-shoot. Speaking to Callum who also intended to book a studio, we agreed to share studio two with Ian Wisby and Ian Turner on the same day. We now have Studio two booked for Wednesday 30th Nov for the four of us.

Tracey went through a presentation on essay writing which is to be posted on ‘myuca’. Lots to take in, I'll print it off when it's available and add to my idiots guides folder.
I’d thought it weird that we had this session booked considering the essay questions hadn’t been officially published (or perhaps I should say we hadn’t been notified of them being published). I spent a while before leaving for Rochester searching ‘myuca’ and found them! They are now printed off and in my folder.

Perception (Photography) Essay Questions

The following is a list of essay questions for the Perception Unit for Photography (Contemporary Practice). Choose one question from the following:

1. Deconstruct a single image of your choice through its mise-en-scène and technical aspects, together with relevant contextual research, to analyse how the image’s meaning is generated. Consider aspects of semiotics and ideology.

2. Examine, with reference to one or two images, how the artist and/or photographer has interrogated the nature of reality and representation.

3. Analyse the transformative effects of photographers’ lighting choices. Compare and contrast two photographers that approach similar subject matter in different ways.

4. Interrogate how artists and/or photographers have used colour to transform the representation of their subject. Compare and contrast two images by artists or photographers that, very differently, represent a similar subject.

5. Deconstruct the relationship between camera position and subject through analysing where the photographer positions the audience relative to the subject within the image. Examine through specific reference to visual examples.

6. What is a portrait? Analyse how any specific portraits of your choice have interrogated and/or explored the concept of portraiture.

7. Analyse how photographic narrative is constructed through a deconstruction of the semiotics of one or two images of your choice.

8. Interrogate the role of time in photographic representation. How does temporality reveal different dimensions of ‘truth’ within an image? Answer with specific reference to two or three images.

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